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Jennifer Janelle

I believe that we're always doing the best we can, that each person has the answers that they seek and I enjoy walking beside them as they explore the path to finding those answers.


I've experienced many different chapters in life, and my current work as a Meditation and Well-being Coach is very life-giving and fulfilling. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with others to navigate life's challenges using the meditative self-inquiry and somatic tools that best support each individual person.  Since 2015 I have worked with thousands of clients in various areas including Personal Growth, Grief Support, Stress & Anxiety, Emotional Healing, Yoga, Meditation, and Spiritual Growth.  My intention is that our sessions point you to what is most important in each moment and what the next “right action” might be in each situation so that you may experience more balance, compassion, openness, healing, and connection in life.


In our sessions, we'll often use somatic tools and a meditative self-inquiry approach to invite more presence, curiosity, movement, compassion, and creativity into daily life.  The majority of tools we'll explore are secular, trauma-informed, and evidence-based.  


I love to explore and practice ideas and teachings that are thousands of years old and see how we might use them in a practical, accessible way in our modern lives.  I have so much gratitude for the teachers who have shared these teachings from Indian, Chinese, African, and Native American cultures over thousands of years so that we may benefit from them today, and for the teachers and coaches who have directly supported me as I continue to learn, grow and “unbecome” every day.


I've had a personal meditation and yoga practice for over 23 years, which has helped me to find balance, clarity, and direction as I've navigated my previous life chapters, which included:  working in Europe for a decade as a Department of Defense (DoD) contractor, higher education administration leadership, tie-die t-shirt maker, program and project management in a global Fortune 500 company, yoga instructor for a Division 1 collegiate athletic team, and as a yoga & meditation instructor in behavioral health and addiction treatment hospitals working with veterans, active duty military and first responders.   


I'm inspired by time outdoors, exploring emotional landscapes (my own and others), and hearing people's stories of resilience, struggle, connection, and what lights them up in life. I love to spend time with my husband and dog, wandering in nature, dancing, learning about the wisdom of the body, and exploring the mind/body/soul connection.  As I continue to grow and change, how I connect with the world will continue to shift and I'm curious and excited to experience all that arises.


Education and Credentials:

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